So sorry I've been shut a lot over the last week or so. I've been in hospital but all should be fine.

I've got three angels, who all know about yarn etc, running the shop over the next few days, so please go in and see them!

Tueaday 10.30-4
Wednesday 12.30-4
Thursday 10-2
Friday tbc.

Laura x

NEW! Local arts & crafts!

As part of the Royston Craft Fair's 10 year anniversary, some of our amazing crafters are now selling here as well as at the monthly fairs! You can buy something more interesting than mass-produced, that's locally made & designed, & support independent crafters & artisans!

You can order and pay for delivery OR click & collect from No.3 Royston or the Royston Craft Fair!

hand crafted gifts

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